Pride Month – What's Important...

As Bloom believes in the importance of authenticity, Pride month is a celebration of the individual. “To thy own self be true.”

Diversity should be celebrated and embraced. Individuality with all of its imperfections. No pressure to fit in but rather a celebration of that freedom. An idea that was and must continue to be the wellspring of our American experiment and dream.

Bloom – Pride

"The best thing about pride is that everyone dresses so different," says LGBTQ member Craig Clark. "You see so many fabulous personalities on the streets, because people dress out loud and express themselves through their styles."

Craig is bisexual and knows all about how difficult it can be to stay authentic with social pressures.

"It's just the most important thing in life, " he said. "You won't ever feel fulfilled unless you stay true to yourself.”

Bloom – Pride

“It's just like staying true to your morals,” he continued. “If you don't, you can't live with yourself."

In order for nature to insure survival, diversity is essential both for humanity and the natural world. There are over 250,000 different species of flowers in the world and many tropical flowers are yet unnamed. Every single one is unique and like no other. How glorious is that!

Bloom – Pride

Bloom celebrates the individual with the belief that remaining authentic to oneself, to one’s beliefs, opinions, desires etc. is what makes each individual original and unique. Diversity is what nature intended. In nature, we celebrate that same diversity in the flora that exists in extraordinary colors, textures, and shapes. Here are just a few wonderful examples.

Bloom – Pride

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